Wi-Fi Mobile Hotspot
What is a mobile hotspot?
Mobile hotspots (a.k.a. portable hotspot or MiFi) are portable devices that provide Wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) for all connected devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
Similar to USB modems from wireless carriers, this mobile hotspot uses mobile broadband service from Transatel DataSIM for 3G/4G Internet access. The real difference lies in the ability to connect multiple devices anywhere, at once, without having to plug in a single device.
All mobile hotspots require a SIM card to access networks. Transatel offers a mobile hotspot with the 3G/4G SIM card already installed.
Why you need a hotspot
To connect your family and friends all at once
When traveling in large groups, someone is usually left without internet connection. Be the person to offer connectivity to the whole group with only one SIM card and Wi-Fi mobile hotspot.
You might already do so with your smartphone, but the connection is surely short-lived. Using your smartphone to offer connectivity through a USB wire or Bluetooth tethering is the fastest way to drain out your battery.
The mobile hotspot is a great solution for keeping your battery charged, sharing internet connection with your family and friends and additionally, saving on data with shareable Data Plan.
To control your professional life
Setting up your staff with internet connection at trade shows or conferences can be stressful, and finding out your communications aren’t secure makes it all the worse.
Mobile hotspots provide a more secure internet connection than Wi-Fi through extensive security options and better management of VPNs.
Now, get an internet connection for up to 10 devices—5 more than what a cell phone would normally provide—all the while keeping your communications secure.
Start connecting your devices when and where you want to take control of your professional life.
To use the internet while on vacation
If you’re a fortunate owner of a vacation home you’ve probably had to engage in a yearly internet contract. Paying full price for usage during a short period only, isn’t cost effective.
The prepaid mobile hotspot is an easier, more affordable, alternate solution to providing internet connection for everyone during the trip.
The hotspot also comes with its own app, HiLink. Now available for download on Google Play™ and the Apple store, to easily share your files, apps, music and pictures with those around you.